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High quality 
vegetables and fruits 
at affordable prices!

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Buy online 
by bank transfer 
or by card

Choose a transport 
delivery from Izida or 
pick up with your transport.

Bulgarian production 
at affordable prices!

Warehouses equipped with modern technologies
for quality!

Most popular products

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years of




trusted us


tons of
annual sales

Izida Market - Photo - Farmer

A few words about Izida Market

Information about us

Izida 75 Ltd. is a leading company in the field of trade in organic fruits and vegetables. Founded 12 years ago, we are proud to be part of the Varna business community and offer our products to customers across the country.



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They chose to trust us:

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Izida Market - Photo - Farmer

How to get started with organic nutrition: 
Tips for beginners

Izida Market - Photo - Bio Products

The five most important benefits
from the consumption of organic foods

Izida Market - Photo - Market

Organic Fruit vs. Regular Fruit: 
Differentiating the Healthy Choice

Learn more from the Izida Market's Blog

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